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  • 2017年12月大学(英语六级)作文预测:摩登时代的女人

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       cet6六级级作文范文:women in the modern world摩登时代的女人

      women in the modern world

      women ar e playing an increasingly impor tant role in society today . in many count ries , more and more women ar e acting as worke rs , farmers , scientists and even leaders . we can say tha t almost all jobs which men can do are done pe rfectly by women . women ar e no longer looked down upon by society . with the changes in their social role, women’s position in the family has been improved as well . hu sband and wife ar e now equal in the family . they cope with problems of daily life togethe r , and shar e happiness with each other . also, you can hardly find out that in today’s families , women a re being busy with dinner s , wher eas men a re comfortably sit ting in armchairs, reading newspapers .

      in spite of these changes , the libera tion of women has not been completely r ealized . a number of men still jealously gua rd their rights , and rega rd women as incapable creatures . few women a re allowed to at tend inter national meetings dominated by men . t hat ’s really the problems we should solve immediately .


      · 妇女的社会地位

      · 妇女的家庭地位

      · 妇女彻底解放尚有待解决



      本文是一篇说明文, 文中三段中每一段的第一句均为该段的主题句, 其余为支撑句。本文构思清楚, 段落主题明确, 层次感强, 是一篇很好的短文。



      be looked down upon 被看不起, 被鄙视

      as well 也

      cope with 应付, 处理

      busy with 忙于

      jealously gua rd their rights 注意保护他们的权利

      incapable creatures 无能者

      dominate v . 统治, 控制
