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  • 2017年12月大学(英语六级)作文预测:健康or财富

  •      热考网小编寄语:大学英语六级考试预计在2017年12月开考,要想顺利通过,考生要提前准备!鲤鱼网小编整理了大学英语六级考试写作预测,备考的伙伴可以每天抽出一点时间学习学习!更多资料敬请关注鲤鱼网,祝愿考生都能取得好的成绩!

         health and wealth, which do you prefer?你喜欢健康还是财富

      “health is wealth !”. t his is an old saying which the majority applaud . as a rule , the wealthier you ar e, the weaker is your health , but this cannot be applied to all .

      to begin with , a per son that has health can afford to challenge all ha rdships . for example , manual worker s ar e us ually stout and energetic . with their energy , they earn their living . although such an occupation brings little reward as compa red with the energy they have exe rted , they enjoy life whateve r things may be .

      moreover , business is based on health . students in good health can absorb knowledge mor e r eadily . in good health , scientists can tackle complex technical problems and achieve more success .

      fr equently we find millionaires cling close to their doctors for they seldom have enough exercises to bring for th bet terhealth . their lack of exercises slackens the r eadiness of growth of the antibodies to resist the at tack of diseases . so , my argue is that health is mor e important than wealth for if we do not have health , wha t can we benefit from wealth ?


      · health is wealth

      * mor e wealth , weaker health

      · good health can afford to challenge all hardship s , e .g .

      * man ual wor ker s

      * businessmen

      * students

      * scientists

      * millionaires lack health

      · conclu sion

      no health , no wealth



      本文是一篇议论文, 文中作者的观点鲜明, 全文均围绕这一观点展开, 每段的第一都是主题句, 结论句与第一句呼应, 这种首尾呼应的写作技巧很值得学习。



      applaud v . 赞同

      cannot be applied to all 并不适用于所有人

      hardship n . 困难

      manual worker 体力劳动者

      stout and energetic 健壮而精力充沛

      ea rn their living 谋生

      occupation n . 职业

      the ene rgy they have exe rted 所出的力

      absorb v . 吸收

      tackle v . 解决, 处理

      cling close to their doctors 总离不开医生

      slackens the readiness of growth of the antibodies 放松体内增长抗体的准备
