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  • 2018年职称英语考试《理工A》词汇选项试题及答案:八

  •  热考网小编寄语:2018年职称英语考试预计在3月份,离现在还有一段时间,考生要好好备考!热考网小编整理了一些资料,备考的伙伴可以每天抽出一点时间学习学习!更多资料敬请关注热考网,祝愿考生都能取得好的成绩!

    1.The doctors have abandoned the hope to rescue the old man.

      A. turned up

      B. given up

      C. turned down

      D. give out

      2.It is so urgent that you have to start immediately.

      A. lastly

      B. shortly

      C. recently

      D. presently

      3.It seems that the boss is always finding fault with my work.

      A, evaluating

      B. praising

      C. criticizing

      D. searching

      4.Even if in those developed countries, manual work is still necessary sometimes.

      A, expressive

      B. physical

      C. exaggerated

      D. dubious

      5.He checked the luggage thoroughly to make sure that nothing important is left.


      B. quickly

      C. completely

      D. basically

      6.He spent one week to draft the commercial contract.

      A. clarify

      B. formulate

      C. revise

      D. contribute

      7.The dentist has decided to extract her bad tooth.

      A. take out

      B. take in

      C. turn out

      D. turn in

      8.The government warned the people of being careful about this kind of contagious disease.

      A. infectious

      B. serious

      C. fatal

      D. worrying

      9.Many fine cooks insist on ingredients of the highest quality.

      A. structure

      B. materials

      C. section

      D. branches

      10. In order to improve our standard of living, we have to accelerate production.

      A. step u.p

      B. speed up

      C. take up

      D. hold up

      11.The energy companies launched urgent studies of the Arctic environment.

      A. made

      B. stressed

      C. moved

      D. started

      12. We had an unusually heavy rainfall due to the typhoon, and for a while, traffic became paralyzed.

      A. disabled

      B. beheld

      C. bathed

      D. bound

      13. The scenery on the way was truly spectacular, with beautiful mountains, rivers and valleys,and I took a lot of pictures from the window.

      A. notorious

      B. amazing

      C. noble

      D. diplomatic

      14. Establishment of a sound insurance system is essential for deepening economic reforms.

      A. accurate

      B. healthy

      C. undisturbed

      D. safe

      15. A cup of whole milk provides roughly one hundred and sixty-six calories of energy.

      A. naturally

      B. approximately

      C. barely

      D. coarsely

     1.B。本题是对动词的考查。题干:医生们放弃了救治这位老人的希望。题干划线词abandon意为“放弃”。四个选项:turn up意为“调高音量,出现”,give up意为“放弃”,turn down意为“调低音量,拒绝”,9ive out意为“分发,发出”,所以正确选项为B。


      3.c。本题是对动词短语的考查。题干:好像老板对我的工作总是很挑剔。题干划线词find faultwith意为“挑剔,挑毛病”。四个选项:evaluate意为“评估”,praise意为“赞扬”,criticize意为“批评”,search意为“搜查,研究”,所以C为正确选项。




      7.A。本题是对动词的考查。题干:牙医决定拔掉她的这颗坏牙。题干划线词extract意为“提取,抽取”。四个选项:take out意为“拿出来”,take in意为“吸收”,turn out意为“结果是……”,turn in意为“上交”,所以正确选项为A。



      10.B。本题是对动词的考查。题干:为了提高生活标准,我们必须加快生产。题干划线词accelerate意为“加速,增加”。四个选项:step up意为“提高,走近”,speed up意为“加速,加快”,take up意为“占据,从事”,hold up意为“举起,阻拦”,因而正确选项为B。


      12.A。本题是对动词的考查。题干:由于台风影响,我们这里有非同寻常的大雨,交通一时陷于瘫痪。题干划线词paralyze意为“瘫痪”,与disable意思相近。behold意为“看,注释”;bath意为“洗浴”;bound常用于短语be bound to,意思是“有可能做某事”。故选A项。



