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  • 【冲刺必看】2017年英语六级翻译题库:如何解决交通堵塞问题

  •  热考网小编寄语:2017年四六级考试在12月份,离现在还有一段时间,考生要好好备考!热考网小编整理了一些资料,备考的伙伴可以每天抽出一点时间学习学习!更多资料敬请关注热考网,祝愿考生都能取得好的成绩!






      With the fantastic spur both in industry and in economy, the traffic problems in urban areas are becoming increasingly serious. This makes traffic jams a common encounter for many people. It certainly causes much inconvenience and waste of time in daily life.

      To tackle the problems posed by traffic development, as far as I am concerned, it has much to be improved to keep pace with the advanced development of the city. To begin with, the government should put more investment in building more roads to accelerate the flow of traffic, and therefore it can relieve the heavy traffic flow on the streets. In addition, more routes of buses should be opened up, in this way, the number of bikes and cars on the street will be reduced. Furthermore, more underground passageways or flyovers should be built so that pedestrians can cross streets safely, and both traffic accidents and congestion can be avoided.

      Taking into account all the above methods, we may safely say that urban traffic problems will be solved completely. On the one hand, municipal building department improves its functions, and fulfill whatever it could. On the other hand, citizens should make a good understanding about traffic regulations and abide by it consciously.
